What a fascinating time of year. Personally I'm grateful that we celebrate it during the coldest and shortest days of the year. Mary and I put up a ton of lights around our home to brighten the darkness and remember that Jesus the light of the world has come. 2000 years ago he came to people walking in great darkness and he is here today for our world that is in great darkness. This Christmas give people you know the gift of hope and light as you share with them the gift of Jesus. "For to you is born this day in the town of David a Savior who is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign to you. You will find the baby wrapped in clothes and lying in a manger." - The angel to the shepherds in Luke 2
I’m grateful for our majestic mountains, a loving family, wonderful friends and a caring church. I’m grateful for the Savior, Jesus, who died on the cross to save me from my sin. I’m grateful for the Holy Spirit who resides in me serving as a loving guide in the paths of righteousness even when I am reluctant to do so. I’m grateful for the loving heavenly Father who created and sustains this earth we live in and sent his son to bring each of us back into a significant relationship with him. Yes our triune God is involved in every aspect of our lives from the innermost recesses of our beings to the enormity of the universe in which we live.
So how can we respond? Have you ever considered Caleb from the Old Testament? In Joshua 14 he is rewarded for being one of the two faithful spies who 40 years earlier had checked out the Promised Land. Three times in Joshua 14 he is called wholehearted. Yes Caleb was sold out to God. In verse 7 it tells us he was a man of conviction. He was not afraid to tell others what he believed. In verses 8-9 we see him as fully committed. You can almost see Joshua having to hold him back. And in verses 10-15 we see him a conscientious following through with what he said he would do. He followed through at 85 years old! What an amazing example of finishing well. I believe wholehearted devotion like this honors God and shows him a grateful heart. Thus wholeheartedness is not perfection for that would be impossible. Ask God the Holy Spirit where you need to exhibit wholehearted devotion through conviction, commitment and being conscientious.
I'm amazed at the immenseness and grandeur of the Grand Canyon. I met my brother there on June 19th and we toured the canyon via motorcycle. Creation that spectacular renews us several ways. First it is inspiring to see what the hand of God has made. Second it renews us as we behold the majesty of creation thereby putting our lives in proper perspective. Then it encourages us because God who fashioned the canyon cares for us as the pinnacle of his creation for we are His image bearers. Finally it quiets us because we are left speechless when we contemplate the majesty of what God can still do in us and in his creation. Jesus in addressing the Pharisees said, “I tell you,” he replied, “if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.” Luke 19:40 Lets cry out, like the disciples, in praise to God along with creation telling of His wonder and majesty. In order to do that, get out to experience and enjoy God's creation.
This is the address I gave at the VFW 2010 Memorial Day observance at Grand View Cemetery in Montrose, Colorado
Heroes One and All
Memorial Day, May 31, 2010
I’m deeply grateful and honored to address you today on this Memorial Day 2010.Those of you who are veterans are heroes one and all.Certainly those who died paying the ultimate sacrifice are heroes. To date in Iraq 4400 American heroes have died.In Afghanistan on May 28 US Military deaths reached the grim 1000 mark.These men and women died to preserve the freedom we now enjoy today.We have freedom to gather as here in honor of the fallen and we have freedom to protest the war.These 5400 Americans died for all our freedoms.
I am deeply grateful for our country and for you our veterans.Without you I would not be here today.The Bible describes freedom as a precious commodity.Another person died for our freedom.His name is Jesus Christ. 2000 years ago he died on a Roman instrument of torture called the cross to set us free from our sin.In Galatians 5:1 the Apostle Paul reminded them “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.For the Galatians, that yoke was the burden of circumcision that some Jewish Christians were trying to force on the fledgling believers.People who believe in Jesus, according to Paul, do so by faith and not by works such as circumcision.Yet there are forces in our world today that would force their yoke of religion on us.Our soldiers are valiantly fighting the Taliban, Al Qaeda, militant Islam and terrorism to preserve our freedoms. It is a war without boundaries or front lines.It is an enemy that takes the innocent and preserves the guilty.
Paul asks in Gal. 5:7 You were running a good race. Who cut in on you?Of course it was those who wanted to yoke them with the slavery of their ideas.Likewise our soldiers are running a good race consistently and morally and are not allowing anyone to cut in on them.
Later in Gal. 5:14-15 You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love. 14 The entire law is summed up in a single command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” So we do not have freedom to sin.We are free to love our neighbors as ourselves.We see that freedom expressed few verses later in a list commonly referred to as the fruit of the spirit.So we have freedom to practice the fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.Against such things there is not law.(Gal. 5:22-23) However, the same forces in the world today that would strip our freedom would make these virtues illegal.
So we have a choice. We can live in freedom or live in slavery.Personally I prefer freedom because of what Jesus and our fallen heroes have done for us.Jesus said in John 8:32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” He said that to Jews who believed in him.True freedom is found in the truth of Jesus Christ.It is the true freedom I am preaching to you today.That truth is found in Jesus the freedom fighter and the freedom giver.
Our servicemen and women are our heroes and Jesus is the ultimate hero.Be grateful for our freedoms and most importantly be grateful for the freedom from sin Jesus gives.So today, thank a vet and thank God for our fallen heroes, one and all.
While riding my Harley between Carbondale and McLure Pass in southwest Colorado last Monday I stopped to look at a scenic view of the mountain range. The snow was beginning to melt and the ice-cold waterfalls were already cascading into the ravines. It was breathtaking. In addition there were remains of two avalanches on the pass from last winter containing rocks and trees in the debris testifying to God's ferocity in nature as well as beauty. And I thought, "God is in control of it all." I experienced the pleasure of enjoying God's common grace to humanity. Its "common" because all who stop at that overlook will enjoy the majestic scenery. Thus God's common grace is available to all. He uses the beauty of his creation, however, to attract us to him telling us there is something far more sublime than is available to our five senses. That Sublimity is Him. So he uses creation to draw us to his special grace. That special grace is his Son Jesus who was with him at creation and also is responsible for the beauty and the ferocity we behold in nature. This spring take time to get out and enjoy nature. Behold God's creativity as you marvel at his masterpieces in nature. And then open your heart to the masterpiece he wants to create in you through faith in his Son Jesus.