For what are you grateful?
I’m grateful for our majestic mountains, a loving family, wonderful friends and a caring church. I’m grateful for the Savior, Jesus, who died on the cross to save me from my sin. I’m grateful for the Holy Spirit who resides in me serving as a loving guide in the paths of righteousness even when I am reluctant to do so. I’m grateful for the loving heavenly Father who created and sustains this earth we live in and sent his son to bring each of us back into a significant relationship with him. Yes our triune God is involved in every aspect of our lives from the innermost recesses of our beings to the enormity of the universe in which we live.
So how can we respond? Have you ever considered Caleb from the Old Testament? In Joshua 14 he is rewarded for being one of the two faithful spies who 40 years earlier had checked out the Promised Land. Three times in Joshua 14 he is called wholehearted. Yes Caleb was sold out to God. In verse 7 it tells us he was a man of conviction. He was not afraid to tell others what he believed. In verses 8-9 we see him as fully committed. You can almost see Joshua having to hold him back. And in verses 10-15 we see him a conscientious following through with what he said he would do. He followed through at 85 years old! What an amazing example of finishing well. I believe wholehearted devotion like this honors God and shows him a grateful heart. Thus wholeheartedness is not perfection for that would be impossible. Ask God the Holy Spirit where you need to exhibit wholehearted devotion through conviction, commitment and being conscientious.