Yesterday I had a rare experience. On my second cast into the Gunnison River I caught a 14-inch brown trout. I love to fish but usually have low expectations of myself – often I come home empty handed with just memories of the “one that got away.” So I was overjoyed to land this fish and Mary and I enjoyed him for dinner last night.
Simple pleasures are part of what God wants us to experience on a Sabbath. My Sabbath is Monday because I preach and teach on Sunday. I rarely miss a Sabbath and usually spend it year-round enjoying God’s creation. I find that enjoying creation slows me down, simplifies my problems and helps me to focus on God. I can’t explain how casting a fly-line helps me to look up to God when I’m looking out horizontally to where I want to place the line, but it does. And the uncommon surprise (not skill believe me) of catching that fish yesterday made my Sabbath extra special.
Have you taken a Sabbath rest? God has designed us for a repeated pattern of 6 days of work and then one day of rest. He does that so we will refocus on what is most important. God desires for us on a Sabbath to reflect on the past week, be recharged as we worship Him and anticipate what He will do for us the next week. If you take a regular Sabbath, my friend, God will renew you. And find a place where that best happens for you – for me it is admiring and musing on His wonderful creation.