Summer is finally here. Yesterday my wife and I hiked the Twin Peaks trail and came out at the Silversheild trail-head in Ouray, Colorado. The wildflowers were just coming out of a long winter's nap. We saw lupine, strawberry, holly, pasque flower, Indian paintbrush and many others in splendid natural arrangements. And this is just the beginning! I'm always amazed at creation waking up after winter. Spring in the high country is much later but no less vivid. In late July the southern Colorado mountains put on an explosion of color that tickle the senses and encourage the soul. God wrote about that in his Bible. His creation is designed by him to reveal his eternal power and divine nature (Rom. 1:20). Once we acknowledge that in creation we know God is there. So I encourage you to make the most of this summer and spend time relishing God's creation from splendid wildflowers to majestic mountains to meandering streams to unique wildlife. You will be refreshed and your spirit will be renewed