Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Perseverance! When you hear that word what comes to mind? Hang in there. Keep going. Don’t quit. My question is, however, why don’t we see it much in our society today? Could it be that we have the wrong idea of what perseverance is and the way to achieve it? For the ancient Greeks perseverance was an admirable virtue. For the Hebrews in the Old Testament, they exercised perseverance as they waited for God to deliver them from distress. Likewise Christians in the New Testament persevered as they waited for the Second Coming of Jesus. Yet for all these people, perseverance was never passive but active. And it was always persevering in the right thing not the wrong value or way to accomplish it. 2 Peter gives us some assistance in understanding perseverance. In chapter 1 verse 6 it says to add to self-control perseverance. Perseverance and self-control are seven virtues listed in this passage that we are to add to faith. Peter encouraged the believers he was addressing to have an active, outward faith; not an inward, hidden belief system. For us when people see real perseverance through active faith in our society, they will take notice. You might be wondering how to persevere? You can’t do it by effort alone. You need faith. I love to climb mountains and something strange happens about 13,000 feet for me. With my heart pounding, my lungs gasping for air and my legs burning as I wipe the sweat from my forehead, I usually get a second wind that carries me to the top. Faith is your second wind. As you persevere, God will make sure you have what you need to accomplish the purpose he has for you. But you have to persevere by faith. In fact faith is the key to the Christian life. Without faith it is impossible to please God, the writer of Hebrews tells us. Our desire then is to act on what we know to show real faith and perseverance. What do you need to persevere in today? Take it to the Lord in prayer and then just do it but by faith!

1 comment:

  1. This is my son Nate on top of 14,340' North Massive Peak in Colorado in August of 2009
