Thursday, July 30, 2015


This is a follow-up to last week’s blog post.  I believe we all need inspiration.  I define inspiration as anything beyond oneself that causes wonder and awe.  I find inspiration in many places.  For example in watching the TV show The Voice more than once I have been moved to tears by the contestants’ superb performances.  Occasionally I’ll attend a youth gymnastics event.  As I see the kids from my church give a wholehearted effort, it lifts my spirit.  One of the most moving experiences I have is observing nature, hence the name of this blog Creation Musings.  Three weeks ago my wife, Mary, and I enjoyed a hike over West Marron Pass in West-central Colorado near Aspen.  So last week we took two close friends so they could enjoy the hike up the pass a couple of miles and observe the abundant wildflowers adorning the landscape.  There were even more than three weeks ago.  No photograph or painting does justice to God’s creativity in the wilderness.  As you can see from the picture, and last week’s post, there were several varieties including Colorado Columbine, larkspur, lupine, four colors of Indian paintbrush, monks hood, purple daisies, kings crown, alpine sunflowers and even sneeze weed (the yellow drooping flower).  And of course there were many other flowers we could not identify.  Alas that will, once again, be our experience next spring for we will have forgotten most of what we learned this year and will have to relearn them next year.  I guess that means we are getting older, another part of God’s creative design.  Rather than just looking at pictures of God’s creation, therefore, get out and enjoy first-hand the beauty God has made and you will be inspired.  Inspiration will give you a renewed perspective, it will help you think more clearly, it will make you grateful for the beautiful world in which we live and you will further your appreciation for God who has given us all this to enjoy. 

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