What does it mean to minister to the least of these? Just ask our youth. Our Valley Baptist youth took a mission trip to Los Angeles, California from July 26-August 8, 2011 to minister to the blind/deaf at the bind/deaf ministries of L.A. also known as the Commission on Compassion.
Forty years ago most of the blind/deaf were put into mental institutions. Muriel Hersom started this ministry back then and now they house over 20 blind/deaf, blind or deaf people in their facility. Diane Grubb left our church over 20 years ago to assist Muriel. In addition to Muriel and Diane they have a pastor for the blind/deaf church, a maintenance supervisor and other hired help as well as blind/deaf workers and volunteers. It was amazing to see our youth become part of the team and compassionately respond to these precious people.
Since every human being is created in God’s image, the bind/deaf are no exception. In fact they are exceptional! They have learned to cook, communicate, write, read Braille, use computers and the internet, design artwork and a host of other interesting activities in this independent living facility. The ministry provides one meal per day for them. Our youth were part of that for a week.
As our youth learned to sign and tenderly communicate with the blind deaf with their hands it touched my soul. In many ways they felt the hand of God as they touched the hands of the deaf/blind. They found the blind/deaf are real people with passionate desires and inspiring aspirations. Our hearts were deeply touched by these beautiful people.
Two of our team suffered chess losses to blind/deaf chess players that felt their way around the board. I was one of those who were picked off by a sniper blind/deaf chess player.
One of the youth used the teletype to communicate the sermon during the worship service. She typed the entire sermon for Chris to understand.
I guess I never thought of “the least of these” being blind/deaf image bearers who have so much to offer our sighted and hearing worlds. My life was enriched as were the lives of our youth. So find someone who is less fortunate to pour your life into today.
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